Sept. 20 –Suspicious Email (Bldg 51)
A suspicious email was sent to a psychology professor and the investigation was assigned to the UPD Detective Division. Investigation is ongoing.
Oct. 1 – Injured Student (The Landing)
A student twisted his ankle when he fell while riding his skateboard. His ankle showed serious signs of trauma and he was transported by Rescue 59 to the Mayo Clinic.
Oct. 3 – Construction Theft (Lot 34)
A concrete saw worth approximately $1,200 was stolen from a construction site on campus. A construction employee was forming concrete curbs when he left the site for a lunch break. When he returned to the construction site he discovered that the concrete saw was missing. There were no known witnesses and the suspect is at large. Patrol efforts for this case were suspended.
Oct. 4– Marijuana (Lot 47)
An officer investigated a suspicious vehicle and discovered a student and other individuals smoking marijuana. The officer saw a red pickup truck with multiple occupants in Lot 47 after closing hours, around midnight. Upon approaching the vehicle and having contact with the occupants, the officer smelled a strong odor of burning marijuana. The officer asked the driver what he and the other students were doing in the middle of an empty parking lot after closing hours. The suspect would not give the officer a clear answer.
The officer then asked the suspect if he had any contraband or drugs in the vehicle, and the student responded verbally in the negative. The officer explained that he smelled a strong odor of marijuana, but the suspect denied any usage of illegal drugs. The officer then stated that he was going to search the vehicle for marijuana and acted accordingly.
The search revealed a multi-colored pipe with marijuana residue and 1.4 grams of marijuana. The suspect claimed responsibility for the items and was given a notice to appear. The suspect was referred to Student Conduct as well.
Oct. 4 – Marijuana (The Crossings)
An officer was dispatched to a possible drug investigation at the Crossings. Upon arriving at the designated room and meeting with the resident life coordinator, the officer smelled a strong odor of burning marijuana. The officer asked two students who were at the door if he could enter and search for illegal drugs and contraband. Both students verbally responded in the affirmative, and allowed the officer and the RLC to enter. The officer once more smelled a strong odor of burning marijuana upon entering the room and asked the students if they had been smoking marijuana. Both students responded in the affirmative, stating they had done so earlier in the day. When searching the room, the officer found a plastic container with marijuana residue and a red metal grinder with marijuana residue in the bathroom sink. Neither student claimed ownership of the items. Both students were referred to Student Conduct.
Oct. 4 – Marijuana (Osprey Landing)
A student reported finding drug paraphernalia in his room. The student told officers that he found a marijuana water bong which belonged to his roommate. His roommate, the suspect, admitted to owning the bong as well as a small amount of marijuana and a marijuana grinder. The suspect was referred to Student Conduct.
Oct. 5 – Allergic Reaction (Bldg 16)
A student accidentally ingested a peanut product, and experienced allergic reactions. Rescue 50 treated her on scene, and determined that she needed further evaluation. The student was transferred to the Mayo Clinic.
Email Joseph Cook at reporter31@unfspinnaker.com