UNF’s College of Nursing has partnered with Dining Services for their 3rd Annual Sock Drive, a campaign to collect new socks for donation to community agencies that help the homeless population in Jacksonville.
Old, damaged socks can be uncomfortable and can lead to bacterial and/or fungal infections and blisters. For those who don’t have any socks can suffer from frostbite during the colder months.
Socks are often the number one requested clothing item. Simple cotton socks can prevent a multitude of problems and are inexpensive to provide. New socks of all sizes and colors are needed for men, women and children. The drive runs through early December.
On-campus drop off locations include: Student Union, Bldg 58W, in front of Einstein Bros Bagels, Osprey Clubhouse, Bldg. 17, by the register at Pita Pit and Osprey Commons, Bldg. 16, Osprey Cafe by the exit.
If you share the Sock Drive post on the Dining Services Instagram, you can be entered in a contest to win a Rethreaded gift box.
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