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UNF's #1 Student-Run News Source

UNF Spinnaker

UNF's #1 Student-Run News Source

UNF Spinnaker

All content by Omar Aftab
Concern and relief as students return to campus during the pandemic

Concern and relief as students return to campus during the pandemic

Omar Aftab, Reporter August 19, 2021

Featured Image via Unsplash/Philips Jacobe Much has changed since the last time most UNF students stepped foot on campus. COVID-19 has ravaged the world and changed how everyone looks at safety, social...

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‘She had so much energy’: friends and family open up about UNF student who passed in car crash

Omar Aftab, Reporter August 17, 2021

UNF student Megan Mooney was killed in a car accident on Phillips Highway on Saturday, July 31. In the weeks that have followed, her family and friends have spent the time celebrating her life and learning...

Dorm rooms, one of the on campus amenities that may end up being unavailable to students if Covid-19 cases surge. 
(image from unsplash.com)

Does living off campus take away from the college experience?

Omar Aftab, Reporter August 16, 2021

College is known for being all about the “experience.” It gives young adults a chance to live on their own in a relatively stable environment and prepare to become increasingly responsible before gaining...

Album Review: It Wont Always Be Like This by Inhaler

Album Review: ‘It Won’t Always Be Like This’ by Inhaler

Omar Aftab, Reporter July 27, 2021

Inhaler’s debut album, “It Won’t Always Be Like This,” shows a promising start for the Dublin-based indie band. Fronted by Elijah Hewson, the son of U2’s Bono, the band has a sound that teeters...

Eid Al Adha During the Pandemic

Eid Al Adha During the Pandemic

Omar Aftab, Reporter July 27, 2021

The biggest holiday in Islam, Eid Al-Adha, took place last week from Tuesday, July 20 to Thursday, July 22. As COVID-19 lockdown restrictions ease over time, celebrations have been occurring, though on...

How to avoid the freshman 15; A guide to staying fit at UNF

How to avoid the freshman 15; A guide to staying fit at UNF

Omar Aftab, Reporter July 20, 2021

Looking to avoid the dreaded "freshman 15?" Everyone has heard of it and wants to stay fit, but sometimes it can seem inevitable. After all, moving out, only to eat pizza, McDonald's, and ice cream every...

Photo by Haidan on Unsplash

Islamic celebrations like Dhul-Hijjah are still struggling as the pandemic dies down

Omar Aftab, Reporter July 16, 2021

Muslims are still struggling to fully practice their faith as Hajj has been closed off to foreigners for 2021, despite COVID-19 restrictions easing. Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Mecca during the...

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