The UNF student who went missing early Sunday morning is still missing, according to UNFPD, and as time passes officers are growing more concerned.
George Louissaint, Jr. is a resident of the District on Kernan, and had attended a party at The Flats at UNF Saturday night, UNF Police Chief Frank Mackesy said.
At this time, UNFPD will not release details about what transpired at the party, but they know something that happened upset him.
Mackesy said Louissaint made a statement to someone before he went missing “that would concern us about his personal safety. We know later on he talked to somebody else, but he didn’t make that statement again.”
Spinnaker spoke with Louissaint’s sister, who talked to her brother on the phone hours before he went missing. She said she knew something was off, because he kept saying he loved her over and over again.
“No one has heard from him, no one. Not his closest friend, not his girlfriend, not me,” she said.
Mackesy did not clarify what exactly the statement was but said it could have been made in the heat of the moment.
“What we find in the university is when parties are involved, alcohol is involved, maybe drugs… they say things they don’t mean,” Mackesy said. There is no evidence that Louissaint was under the influence of any drugs at this time.
Search efforts have been unsuccessful so far. They also brought two teams of service dogs to the area, but they were unable to locate a trail. They also contacted the phone company, but they believe his phone is inoperable for some reason. A dive team from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office searched six retention ponds in the area around where Louissaint went missing. A JSO helicopter also canvassed the area.
“We’re checking planes, trains and automobiles to make sure he’s not on a bus right now to go back to his girlfriend in another state,” Mackesy said. “That trip could take several hours.”
Chief Mackesy asked again that anyone with information about Louissaint’s whereabouts contact UNFPD at (904) 620-2800 or JSO at (904) 630-0500.
“All we want to do is make sure he’s okay,” Mackesy said. “We’re not looking to arrest him or anything.”
According to his sister, Louissaint transferred to UNF last semester from Mobile, Al., and he has a girlfriend in Alabama, and Mackesy said they’ve been in contact with her. Louissaint is a junior health science major and the Vice President of the Caribbean Student Union.
Louissaint’s mother Ana told Spinnaker she had no reason to believe George had trouble adjusting to UNF.
“He’s very friendly. [He’s] 6’2, around me and when he’s quiet something is wrong. George is not a mean kid, even in his demeanor.”
Ana Louissaint and her husband George Louissaint, Sr. will be in Jacksonville passing out flyers at the District and the Flats where he was last seen.
“To me, somebody must know something. Somebody had to see something,” Ana Louissaint said.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.