Mike Tomassoni Art Director |
Rebecca McKinnon Staff Writer |
Klajdi Stratoberdha Business Manager |
Jason Yugratis Features Editor |
What issue would motivate you to advocate for it by riding a bike across the country? | |||
I would ride across the country to find the secret door in the Redwood Forest, where the answer lies to the age-old question: “How do I fly without wings or a jet pack?” |
I would do almost anything to spread the word for tolerance. Stop worrying about other people and start living your own life. There’s not enough time in life to begin with; don’t waste it being unhappy. | Just to prove I could do it. Everything is possible in life if you put your mind to it. Never give up on your dreams until you succeed. | Chaffing awareness. I would imagine this would be a serious problem riding on a bike for an extended period of time. Maybe Gold Bond would kick back some sponsorship money. |
Our Two Sense – Jan. 21
January 21, 2009
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