If you’ve driven around campus lately, you might have seen giant cinder-block-like structures surrounding campus roads, but what are they for?
Turns out that JEA recently began a five-month “underground electric infrastructure project” that will serve the University of North Florida and surrounding areas, according to the company.
According to JEA, this project will add a new electric main feeder line, a protective conduit and electric manholes along the project route. They’re using a technique known as “Horizontal Direct Drilling” to reduce the construction length and make the work less turbulent around UNF.

Upon completion of the project, JEA says this addition will “accommodate future growth in the area and provide for better power quality and reliability.”
JEA added that the UNF population should expect to see large trucks parked along the streets including detours and lane closures. They also added that there may be traffic personnel to help direct traffic around the project area.

JEA mentioned on its website that “there may be times when driveways and entryways are temporarily blocked while crews are working in the immediate area.”
No water or electricity at UNF will be impacted while the project is happening, JEA’s website currently says. The project work hours will be from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, according to JEA.
The project began on Oct. 23, 2023 and is anticipated to finish on March 29, 2024, according to the JEA website.
Further information on this project can be found here.
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