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Commentary: Lame move taking Lamm off the air

Jan. 21 was a sad day for sports radio.

Longtime Jacksonville sports radio talk show host David Lamm was fired after more than 20 years of service with Clear Channel’s WXFJ (930).

Lamm’s opinionated comments were often questionable, but his knowledge of local sports was insurmountable.

And that is what good sports radio is all about.

He never denied callers from expressing their opinion but didn’t hesitate to argue them.

And unlike many of his Jacksonville colleagues, Lamm’s show wasn’t only focused on the Gators and Jaguars, which expanded his audience to fans like myself.

Being obsessed with everything sports, Lamm was my daily morning entertainment.

Now a struggling economy has left me with either syndicated garbage or Hurricane nut job Dan Sileo, making my morning a commute less to look forward to.

Lamm, you will be missed.

E-mail Josh Salman at

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