What can guys teach girls? Nothing, they’re dumb and have cooties.
What can girls teach guys? Nothing, they’re too complicated.
Also wrong.
In college, many of us find ourselves in a position to experience co-ed living arrangements. This can be a very valuable learning experience – for both sides.
Interacting with the opposite sex on a regular basis builds stronger communication skills. One can help the other out by providing perspective.
For example, you’re going through some romantic drama and you have no idea what your man is thinking. Go to your guy roomie to get the guy’s point of view; vice versa for crazy girl troubles.
Let’s face it, guys don’t always take feelings into account – which is needed sometimes when you want to know if those jeans really do make your butt look fat.
Girls are usually more subtle but just as effective. For instance, your girl roommate might suggest a Polo instead of the graphic tee you were about to pick up your date in.
Guys can help girls with their drama and girls can help guys understand why the drama is drama.
Your guy roommate can give you perspective on why your romantic interest is just not that into you. Need help deciphering cryptic texts from your female love interest? Call in your girl roommate! For example, when a girl says, “I’m fine,” she isn’t. Buy her flowers.
Then there are those times, when all the lights are out and you see something move across your floor. It could be paranormal activity, aliens, or, more than likely, a gigantic bug that’s been waiting for the perfect opportunity to make its move. When squealing and half a can of bug spray won’t do the trick, having a guy roomie comes in handy.
Then there are those other times when a girl can be a better wing-man than your brosky. She can scope out the prospects and go in for a recon a lot better than a guy can. You’d be amazed at what you can find out in the girls’ bathroom.
One of the best things about having a co-ed living arrangement is the safety. As a girl, you won’t have to worry as much about bringing home a gentleman caller, psychopath, or stalker because having a guy roommate to answer the door sets the tone.
For a guy, bringing a lady back to the apartment will be easier if she knows she isn’t walking into a testosterone pit.
Switching up the hormonal ratio of your living arrangements will give you more respect and a better understanding of the opposite sex while giving you some valuable perspective.
Imagine the possibilities if you could combine both male and female qualities into one roommate. Since we can’t exactly do that, the next best thing is co-ed living. This way, you’ll have the best of both worlds which usually involves a cleaner, safer apartment.
Bring on the cooties and complications! I’m all for living with a roommate of the opposite sex.
Plus, I never have to worry about my guy roommate borrowing my clothes.
At least, I think I don’t.