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Limited admissions should encourage students to perform

The results of a report released by Strong American School titled Diploma to Nowhere should be sobering. In brief, very brief, students are not being prepared for college by their high school curriculum and teaching. It has long been known that fundamental reading and writing skills are what prepare students for success in college and beyond. You’ve read the job ads. ‘Excellent communication skills’ is almost a standard for any pre-professional career path. And have we done anything to improve the college readiness in America?

Results show that in Florida, the college readiness rate is at 33%, that 70% of eighth graders are not proficient in reading and that most will never catch up. At the college level, this means that entering freshman are forced to play catch-up at the expense of the state, taking non-credit remedial courses that cost the nation $3 billion annually.

These facts, along with the admissions changes in the acceptance of community college transfer students should prod students to perform better in high school and score better on standardized testing, as well as reviving the old adage that nothing beats a good GPA.

It should be clear, if students are to get into a state university, students need to be prepared for university standards. Perhaps, if students in high school received the type of syllabus that outline exact student expectations, a higher level of accountability could be contracted between students and teachers.

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