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Police Beat March 6

Logo-policebeatCompiled by Carter Roush, Contributing reporter

March 4 Theft (Lot 46) – UPD investigated the theft of a student’s parking pass. The student told officers  that he had forgotten to lock his car and his parking pass had been stolen from his rearview mirror while he was in class the day before. Due to the time lapse since the theft, UPD had very limited options in conducting an investigation. The case has been suspended.

March 5 Vehicle Collision (Lot 15) – A student working for Parking Services reported that she struck a parked van. She was driving a Parking Services golf cart as she tried to maneuver between a light pole and the van. Ironically, the van belonged to the students father. The damage to the van ended up to be $200 while the damage to the golf cart amounted to $100.

Email Carter Roush at

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