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Megan Fox Wants Your ‘Body’

Jennifer Check is the hottest cheerleader at Devil’s Kettle High School — until she rips your entrails out and eats them for dinner. “Jennifer’s Body” is not your typical thriller, it’s a teen horror romp with fangs and an appetite for high school boys. The movie is not entirely original, but it plays off its strengths with clever, humorous writing and a few exceptional acting performances.

The movie centers on Jennifer, a sexy but dull flag girl who is sacrificed to Satan by indie band Low Shoulder in exchange for fame. The lead singer Nikolai, portrayed by a smug Adam Brody, finds rationale in the band’s decision by simply saying, “Do you know how hard it is for an indie band to make it?” Unfortunately for the band, something goes horribly wrong and Jennifer awakens with a hunger for human flesh. She begins picking her meals like a happy Burger King customer, leaving behind shredded high school boys for the coroner to clean up.

Megan Fox plays the man-eater Jennifer, showing a knack for amusing dialogue and a firm confidence in her use of sex appeal. By combining these two qualities, Fox actually instills a believable personality into Jennifer. Fox is sexy and vivacious, but also malevolent and cavalier. This smart fusion makes watching her on screen both a delight and a terror. It’s disturbing to see a harmless make-out session in the woods turn into a full-blown mauling.

Kudos go out to Amanda Seyfried for giving Jennifer’s bashful best friend Needy a feeble but determined portrayal that makes for an engaging clash between friends. Her friendship with Jennifer has spanned over a number of years and depicted as a mix of oil and water. Jennifer is confident and outspoken, while Needy is reserved and compliant. But when Jennifer starts craving a taste for Needy’s boyfriend, Needy starts taking action. She tries to uncover the truth behind her friend’s transformation and must figure out how to stop her. The transition in character Seyfried presents through Needy is the most genuine performance of the movie, going from emotionally sound to mentally unstable.

The main strength ‘Body’ has is its feeling for engaging, campy writing and a flair for comedic dialogue. Fresh off her Oscar win for “Juno,” screenwriter Diablo Cody injects a slew of hilarious one-liners and juxtaposes them with the grim topic of the film to make it feel fresh despite a commonly overused setup. The role of indie band Low Shoulder is as an annoying but funny contribution to the film. The film has its flaws: Fox’s physical appeal is overused and the teen horror film genre tends to hold little acclaim. In spite of its blemishes, ‘Body’ makes for an entertaining date at the movies.

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