The UNF Flagship Music Program will become a new school within UNF in an official announcement expected during a showcase concert March 26.

“Our graduates are going on to the best conservatories and music programs in the world. It’s very exciting,” said Music Chair Dr. Randy Tinnin.
The music program has maintained flagship status since 2011.
“Flagship simply means you take a program that’s a prominent program and invest more in it to help it continue to develop,” Tinnin said.
In the five years since then, the program has been given $1.5 million in funding from the university. The money was used to hire staff to help the program excel and create scholarships to assist students.
In 2012, the music department implemented a master’s degree program. Tinnin hopes to expand this graduate program from one degree focus to eight or nine.
“That’s how we came to be a school of music. It was just part of our strategic plan to offer a broad spectrum of offerings at very high levels that made the program able to equip 21st century musicians,” Tinnin said.
The change will not immediately result in the development of new internal programs or better funding but it has the potential to, according to Tinnin. For now, students will see the change in how their degree is viewed by employers.

“A degree from a college is seen as more valuable than a degree from a program,” Tinnin said.
The program currently receives donor money for scholarships and recruits students in a manner similar to athletics. The transition, according to Tinnin, can show donors their investment is worthwhile and potentially help in securing additional donors.
Spinnaker will continue to follow and update when more information becomes available.
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