Three of the four Amendments on the 2016 Florida ballot, ranging from tax exemption to medical marijuana, were approved by voters.
Amendments needed 60 percent approval from voters in order to pass.
Here are the results:
Amendment No.1: Rights of Electricity Consumers Regarding Solar Energy Choice
-Rejected with 50.81 percent (approval) to 49.19 percent (rejected).
Since Amendment No.1 failed, consumers have the right to own or lease solar-power equipment on their property to generate electricity for personal use. It would halt a potential constitutional barrier to new laws that would broaden the solar-power market by allowing solar companies to sell electricity directly to consumers. This rejection means that existing rules allowing consumers to use solar energy whenever they want are protected. The amendment was nine points from passing.
Amendment No. 2: Use of Marijuana for Debilitating Medical Conditions
-Passed with 71.2 percent approval.
Medical Marijuana passed, meaning people with specific debilitating conditions can use marijuana as long as a doctor certifies it.
Amendment No. 3: Tax Exemption for Totally and Permanently Disabled First Responders
-Passed with 83.75 percent approval.
This tax exemption passed, which means that Legislature can grant an exemption on property tax to first responders who are totally and permanently disabled from injuries sustained in the line of duty.
Amendment No. 5: Homestead Tax Exemption for Certain Senior, Low-Income, Long-Term Residents; Determination of Just Value.
-Passed with 78.27 percent approval.
This tax exemption passed, meaning low-income seniors qualify for a city or county property tax exemption if the value of their homes exceed $250,000.
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