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Committee Meeting: Money for shirts and iPhone chargers

Graphic by Ben Cross
Graphic by Ben Cross
Graphic by Ben Cross

The Executive Branch is working on providing students more iPhone chargers in the library and the Office of Elections requested money for shirts in preparation for the upcoming elections.

Budget & Allocation Meeting

The SG Office of Elections filed a special request of $2,862 to buy 600 t-shirts to hand out to students during the elections this semester. The bill was approved, but it was noted that the original request only stated $2,246.83. The B&A committee gave SG elections $615.17 more than what they needed.

This mistake occurred because the senators didn’t fix the request amount. On the bill it stated $2,862 was being requested; however, the new Elections Commissioner, Aesha Soliman, stated that she was only requesting $2,246.83. The Office of Elections can always return the money that they don’t use back to the Special Request Funds.

The Executive Branch is responding to the “Take Charge” legislation passed in Senate. The legislation requires the Executive Branch to respond to the fact that there are almost no iPhone 5+ chargers available to rent from the library. The Executive Branch plans on buying 50 gray, metal, and three-foot long lighting cables. The overall cost is $749.50. This was approved and will go in front of Senate.

The UNF Sailing Club filed a special request for $1,485 to rent three boats for three days a week, for 11 weeks. This will help the club practice Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week, instead of only Tuesdays and Thursdays. The bill passed and will go to Senate Feb. 27.


University Student Affairs Committee

The committee reviewed January’s results of the Osprey Voice and discussed the topics for the next Osprey Voice. Some of the topics the committee discussed included bike sharing, charging stations, and the campus wifi.
A meeting was called on Feb. 10 in order to discuss the results of the Osprey Voice from January and talk about how to form a resolution that would make teachers put up a syllabus before classes started. The joint resolution was written and will be discussed in the next Senate meeting.


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About the Contributor
Hannah Lee, Editor in Chief
Hannah Lee is a senior studying journalism and psychology. Besides staying busy at Spinnaker, she enjoys her time with her family and watching true crime documentaries. She hopes to get a job working in the journalism field, whether it be print or broadcast.