SG: Lend-A-Wing requests money for new staff

Colin McCann and Hannah Lee

The Senate Chambers by Spinnaker Media

In the first Student Government committee meetings of the semester, quorum was not reached in three out of the four meetings. The only one that was able to meet and work on business was the Budget and Allocations Committee (BAC).

In the Treasurer’s Report, budget transfers from August were addressed. For Campus Recreation, $15,000 was transferred from unused Other Personnel Services (OPS) funds in order to pay for a new Intramural Manager. The other major transfer request was made by Osprey Productions. They requested that the funds being allocated for Student Assistant Director, Office Program Assistant, and the Graphic Program Assistant would all go to a collective Coordinator Wages line item. This would allow flexibility for wages among OP employees.


Special Request: Lend-A-Wing

A special  request, presented by Student Body Vice President Cole Poppell and Student Government Advisor Margaret Szerba, was concerning the Lend-a-Wing Pantry.

The agency requested $13,500 to hire a new OPS Administrative Secretary.

The pantry is currently open about 16 hours a week, but they want to be open 25 hours per week.  This is resulting in the pantry being open for five hours a day. However, because those working at the pantry are students, class scheduling has an effect on when the pantry can be open. Szerba said that typically Mondays will be their busiest, but this semester, scheduling has led to the pantry being closed on Mondays.

The addition of a professional staff member is needed to keep the pantry open longer, and therefore help more students. Szerba believes this will also attract more people, because some students may not come if they are having to discuss their food insecurities with their peers.

The committee unanimously approved the funding. The request will be forward to the next Senate meeting in order to determine if the money will be going to the business administration index or straight into the Lend-a-Wing Pantry account.


Travel Requests

The UNF Financial Planning Association (FPA) requested $2,000 for lodging at a conference in Nashville, TN from Oct. 2-4. Last year, the FPA was able to attend the conference with the help of SG funding.

In order to attend the conference, the club is planning on fundraising on their own in addition to the requested funding. The committee unanimously passed the request.

The Transportation and Logistics Society (TLS) requested  $2,000 to attend the annual Intermodal Association of North America EXPO (IANA) conference in Long Beach, California.

The committee unanimously passed the request, leaving $15,500 left for travel requests this semester.


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