What’s up with UNF’s reputation of standing for “U Never Finish”?

Shelby Senesac, News Editor

Spinnaker decided to ask students through a multiple-choice poll posted on Facebook and Instagram on why they think UNF got the unfortunate naming “U Never Finish,” and the results might surprise you.

 Students were able to choose between four options:

  1. Bad Advising
  2. Classes fill too quickly
  3. Lack of UNF teachers
  4. Student’s aren’t applying themselves enough


Spinnaker received feedback from 377 students. These are the results:

Data from Spinnaker’s poll / Chart created by Shelby Senesac.

Not only did Spinnaker receive a sufficient number of votes in the poll, but some students (who will remain anonymous) even messaged Spinnaker and expressed their thoughts and personal experiences.

 “I think it has to do with finances, lack of knowledge about due dates (classes, assignments, scholarships, etc.), lack of understanding from teachers about extenuating circumstances, and not enough detailed conversations with advisors,” a user wrote Spinnaker.

 One user wrote, “The lack of communication from the department on campus. There’s little transparency. The marketing is nonexistent. How are students, especially first-gen students, supposed to search for opportunities and ‘apply themselves’ when they don’t know where to start and no one is helping them.”

 Another user asked, “Could it be because One-Stop is such a disaster and infuriating to deal with?”

 Some students who have had a pleasant experience with their advisors might be wondering why ‘Bad Advising’ received the most votes. Whether it’s because some students aren’t getting a response from advisors, or the fact that there’s only one advisor for some of UNF’s largest departments, one thing is clear: anyone having difficulties with advising is far from alone.

‘Students aren’t applying themselves enough’ was a close second. Balancing school, work, and a social life isn’t easy by any means. However, learning to effectively manage your time and keeping up with school work is crucial to graduating on time. It’s up to students to put in the work and apply themselves. UNF’s Student Academic Success Services (SASS) is dedicated to helping students succeed in challenging programs of study. SASS has great resources to assist students along their journey towards graduation.

Spinnaker plans to reach out to UNF Academic Advising to speak with someone about these issues and challenges that students are facing, and what plans they have to work on these concerns.

More information on this topic will follow.


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