UNF SG Senate passes two fiscal bills, welcomes two additional members to their branches
September 23, 2022
The University of North Florida (UNF) Student Government Senate filled all positions in their legislative branch, passed a bill to make additions to the lighting scene on Turf Field and heard concerns from within SG during their regular meeting today.
One of the fiscal bills brought to SG today brought attention to the lack of overhead lighting found on Turf Field and the Beach Volleyball courts located behind the Hodges Stadium. UNF’s Recreation and Wellness Center requested $87,739.85 from the 2022-2023 Fund Balance and to utilize the money towards upgrading the aforementioned lighting fixtures. The bill passed 13-0.
Student Advocate Jacqueline Small was given five minutes to provide updates and announcements within her services, to which she addressed the Senate Chambers and SG members with a speech voicing her concerns on the underlying intentions of her fellow SG members.

She said that SG is about serving the student body and that SG should continue to ensure that goal is the priority of all members. She mentioned the importance of members holding themselves accountable for their actions and that she shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable in her office. She ended her speech by reminding SG members to, “change the narrative of SG and let’s work together to make things happen.”
Tim Paul was appointed as an Associate Justice and faced questions from SG members to try and win their votes. Passing with 11-2, Paul was sworn in as SG’s newest Associate Justice, leaving only two vacancies within the judicial branch.
Ali Sartawi passed unanimously through the Senate votes and was sworn in as Deputy Supervisor of Elections. Sartawi was the former attorney general but stepped down in the last election due to a conflict of interest.
Former Senate President Pro-Tempore, David Catone recently left SG and UNF, and a quick election was held during the meeting to which Senator Kilambi appointed Senator Sullivan to fulfill the position. Senator Sullivan accepted the position and gave a speech welcoming her new position as Pro-Tempore. The legislative branch is now filled with all positions.
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