After two days of voting, University of North Florida faculty passed a university-proposed salary agreement in results announced by UFF-UNF leadership Friday afternoon. Of the 180 faculty members who participated in voting, 174 voted yes and 6 voted no.
The UNF Board of Trustees will get the final say on the proposal during their Nov. 30 meeting. However, given the landslide approval by voting faculty, they are expected to also approve the salary raises.
Once approved, faculty will receive raises based on how far from market value they are, a standard determined by a compensation survey commissioned by UNF. Depending on their current pay, faculty will receive raises between 5% and 19%. Though President Moez Limayem previously praised the proposal as “historic,” the double-digit raises are in cases where faculty are paid far below market value.

This week’s ratification vote from the faculty also approved the post-tenure review Memorandum of Understanding. It passed with similar support: 170 faculty voted yes, 4 voted no and 6 abstained. The PTR MOU will also be up for final approval from the BOT during their Nov. 30 meeting.
This article is breaking news. Stay with Spinnaker as we continue to cover faculty salary raises at UNF.
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