Welcome Back: Letter From the Editor – Holli Welch
Students, staff and administration, welcome back.
For some, this is the first semester on campus, for others the last – hopefully – but for all, this year has already proven to be a year of growth at the university.
The changes being made on campus are pretty obvious as the administration has been working hard, and pretty fast, to do their part in adding to the campus.
The Brooks College of Health addition opened Monday for class, as well as the campus clinic that is relocated inside. This building not only expands the campus, but also the opportunities for the educational programs that will call the new building home. Nursing majors will now have more space and opportunities to learn techniques in the laboratories.
Hodges Stadium also opened with the new Olympic-quality track. Other expansions of campus are under way, including the College of Education and Human Services building and the Student Union building. Both are scheduled to open this next school year, enhancing even more of the UNF campus.
Professors, according to the syllabi they have been distributing the past few days, have also planned to help expand student’s knowledge and experience.
But in light of the growth initiated by the staff and administration, students must follow suit. No matter how much the administration does to build UNF into what we consider a “real campus,” it’s the students who bring pride and enthusiasm to a campus. That alone can add growth to any university.
Instead of wearing t-shirts from other colleges you didn’t go to, wear the UNF colors proudly.
Go to the games and cheer on our teams, most of which will be a Division I team in just a year, instead of complaining there isn’t a football team. Why would the athletics department build up another team that the students won’t be proud of?
And though some do not care about athletics, there are plenty of other clubs and organizations to get involved in and support. Getting involved only reinforces the campus move from a commuter school to a more traditional university.
The university is expanding at a rapid pace, and students need to leave the traditional apathetic attitudes behind and move forward as well.
E-mail Holli Welch at editor@unfspinnaker.com.