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April 6 – April 12

April 6 – Burglary (Lot 34) – A parking pass was stolen from a vehicle parked near the baseball stadium.

The owner of the vehicle did not realize his pass was missing until he received a parking ticket. There was no observed forced entry or damage to the vehicle.

April 6 – Alcohol investigation (Building T) – UPD noticed a student walking in the courtyard of the Crossings carrying a clear bag of 12-pack of beer.

All the beer was poured out and thrown into the dumpster.

The student was issued a notice to appear for underage possession of alcohol and referred to Student Conduct.

April 7 – Information (Building 9) – A student who graduated from UNF three years ago raised a complaint against one of the teachers.

The student claimed she suffered a heart attack in class and was transported to the

While there, she realized her purse was missing along with a check written to her in the amount of $85,000.

She also believed the teacher opened up an account in the bank and failed to give her access to it, demanding to meet her in a Wachovia bank.

It later turned out the student suffered a heart attack before she ever attend UNF.

April 8 – Disorderly Intoxication, Public Disturbance (Building V)
– A student was arrested after an officer noticed the student staggering outside the Osprey Cove dormitories.

The student was uncooperative and verbally resisted police attempts to identify him, his room number or his source of the alcohol. The student was referred to Student Conduct.

April 8 – Information (Osprey Crossings Courtyard)
– Obscene drawings including Adolf Hitler, a Star of David and a marijuana leaf were noticed by an RA, who could not identify the artist.

UPD notified maintenance to remove the drawings.

April 9 – Petty Theft (Building 41) – UPD responded to a call that a student was missing his wallet.

His wallet had been turned into UPD, but the student reported two gift cards valued at $40 were missing.

April 11 – Underage possession of alcohol (Building Y) – An RA noticed alcohol in an Osprey Landing dorm and notified UPD, which found a bottle of vodka and whiskey.

Two students were given notices to appear for underage possession and eight students were referred toStudent Conduct.

April 12 – Drug Paraphernalia (Building Y)
– An area coordinator at the Landing dormitory saw two students drinking alcohol outside of a dorm.

When UPD arrived, the officer found a bong inside the room and one student was given a notice to appear. Both students were referred to Student Conduct.

Compiled by Josh Gore.

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