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April 4 – April 17

April 4- Underage Possession of Alcohol (Building Q– UPD was contacted after a resident assistant heard loud noises and what sounded like a bouncing ping pong ball coming from a dorm room. The officer noticed a makeshift beer pong table, two unopened cans of beer and many empty beer cans in the trash can. Five students were referred to student conduct and two were given trespass warnings.

April 13- Information (Building 2) – A student contacted UPD after another student tried to take pictures of him while he was urinating. The police officer found no pictures on the student’s phone but referred him to Student Conduct.

April 13 – Information (Building 45) – UPD was contacted after an employee at the Fine Arts Center noticed a banner hanging from the center of the roof that said, “Education > Student Union.” The unknown suspect was believed to have used the crosswalk from the Building 44 parking garage to gain access to the roof. There was no apparent damage to the building.

April 14- Criminal Mischief (Arena) – The only entrance/exit door to a half basketball court on the second floor was reported damaged. The building was left unsecure the night before so referees for a softball game could use the locker rooms.

April 14- Damaged Property (Lot 10) – A light pole fell off its mount and damaged the front ends of two students’ vehicles. According to Physical Facilities, it fell due to the high winds created in a recent storm. The students were referred to the Director of Physical Facilities Michael Maroney.

April 16- Petty Theft (Building 52) – Parking Services notified UPD after a student complained about a boot on his vehicle. The student’s vehicle was booted because its decal was reported stolen. The student said he purchased the decal through for $50, but he could not identify the seller. The student was issued a Notice to Appear.

April 17- Underage Possession of Alcohol (Alumni Drive) A UPD officer pulled over a Trailblazer after noticing the left rear passenger in possession of an open container of alcohol. The underage driver was referred to Student Conduct and given a Notice to Appear.

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