No one can vote for representation in UNF’s Student Government this year. Not enough people ran, so an election will not be held.
Of the 20 general senate seats available, only 19 will be filled. This is because only 19 students turned in the paperwork to qualify.
All SG members are currently with the Red Party.
Joseph Turner, the next Student Body President by default, said this being the second year without a presidential election is rather undemocratic.
Turner told the Spinnaker this on Jan. 31, back when there were 40 people in the running for the senatorial election.
“While I’m president, I’m going try as much as I can to ensure that we create an environment where there should be a contested election,” Turner said in the same interview.
On March 3, Senate President Chris Brady sent the Spinnaker this statement on the election:
“As the chief officer of the legislative branch, it saddens me that we will not have a contested senatorial election this year. The entire legislative cabinet did everything possible to encourage students to run for public office. Between speaking in multiple classes and club meetings and hosting events such as Lunch with SG, our Elections Supervisor did a fantastic job informing the student body of the upcoming vacancies in Student Government.
For the first time since the Fall of 2012, we will have a contest senatorial election. Forty students submit a Declaration of Intent to run for a senate seat. From here on out, my cabinet’s focus will be not on the fact that we only have one presidential candidate, but on the contested senatorial election we have ahead of us. We are excited for the upcoming election and will continue to put the same level of dedication into the remainder of the election cycle that we’ve exhibited prior to the intent deadline.
If you have any further questions on SG Elections or the Legislative Branch please do not hesitate to contact me.”
Albert Admasu, chemistry junior, said, “I don’t see the whole significance of the presidency or the whole system, really. Like what does it do for us as students?”
Admasu said he did not know SG controls $4 million in student fees.
Admasu said if students want to know where their money is going, they should be more involved in SG.
“[SG should] maybe team up with other clubs or organizations to get the word out, and let [students] know that they have the possibility to speak out to let them know what they feel like is important,” Admasu said.
Jennifer Magge, community health freshman, said, “Especially running for president or vice president, no one should run unopposed because that doesn’t really give people a choice.”
“I think [SG] could advertise more because I don’t personally know anything about Student Government. I haven’t seen anything,” Magge said.
Magge said she did not know that SG controls $4 million in student fees, but was not surprised.
* 3/5/2014 – Changed for clarification.
Email Lydia Moneir at news@unfspinnaker.com
Email Rebecca Rodriguez at reporter33@unfspinnaker.com