Photo courtesy of Facebook.
The UNF International Center will host the 23rd Annual International Dinner Dance, a semi-formal event featuring free international foods, on April 11. The event’s goal is to celebrate the international culture within UNF.
The theme this year is the World Cup 2014, International Center Assistant Director Ruth Lopez said.
Darío Sala, general manager of the Jacksonville Armada Football Club, will make an appearance, Lopez said. He will talk about the impact of soccer and the Jacksonville Armada.
Lopez said the dance floor will not be empty at this event and no one has felt “awkward” dancing in the past.

Photo by Stephanie Blaum
Adianez Garcia Campos, international student advisor, said the event always has a good turnout.
Lopez said all students are welcome to attend. “A lot of [students] are regular UNF students that have done study abroad, have an international interest, [or] have an international roommate,” Lopez said.
The event goes from 7:30 p.m. until midnight in the UNF arena. Lopez said students should arrive early since seating is limited.