Overcrowding in sororities has led UNF to start the process of adding a new chapter to campus.
“Right now, our chapter sizes for our women’s chapters are quite large and so the idea of adding a new group will help bring down the chapter sizes a little bit so they are more manageable for the organizations,” explained Justin Sipes, the associate director of the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life.

UNF is accepting applications from sororities from around the nation. According to Sipes, eight sororities have submitted official applications to UNF so far. The deadline for sororities to submit applications is Aug. 31.
After the deadline, a few of the applicants will be chosen to come to campus to give formal presentations.
Based on the presentation, UNF will choose a final sorority based on whether they are the best fit for the university.
UNF will begin reviewing the applications on Sept. 15 and the new sorority will begin recruiting next fall.

Justin Savage, a sociology junior, stated, “I’m not too big on Greek life on campus, but I think the more students, the merrier. We have so many incoming freshman this year, it may be good to have another opportunity for Greek life.”
Sarah Rowe, a music education sophomore and member of Zeta Tau Alpha, said, “I love that UNF is growing their Greek community and I can’t wait to see their chapters start growing.”
Email Jake Stofan at reporter12@unfspinnaker.com