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Packed UNF vigil remembers Garth Sangree

Photo by Camille Shaw
Photo by Camille Shaw

Just after the Jacksonville US Coast Guard permanently suspended its search for Garth Sangree on Jan. 27, a vigil was hosted by Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) and held in the Student Union at UNF.

The service included acoustic hymns, prayer and recollections of Sangree by his pastor, Barry Sproles, and father, Mark Sangree.

The packed event was standing room only as Sproles described Sangree’s passionate work at BCM and his love of the outdoors.

A memorial service honoring Sangree will be held at Chets Creek Church.
Gallery photos by Camille Shaw
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*2/3/15 at 10:16 a.m. – Updated with video of the vigil.



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