Dear Editor,
While I respect the right of Corey Myers to express his opinion in his column, “College students abandoning values, virtues,” in the Oct. 8 issue of the Spinnaker, I would urge him to rethink the process of his argument.
Perhaps I am misreading, but Myers seems to be under the mistaken assumption that, once upon a time, every member of society shared his particular values. Equally troubling is the implication that every member of society should share his beliefs, and anybody who does not is wrong.
I find this both arrogant and offensive.
What happened to acceptance, tolerance and respect for those who live and think differently?
And when exactly did the concepts of “right and wrong” go from largely subjective to cold hard fact?
Meyers speaks of society at large and cites a number of statistics, but otherwise, he seems to speak from a sheltered perspective.
Here is a more realistic perspective: Not every young person was raised with abstinence-only values, not every young person shares the same religious beliefs, and not every sexually active young person is a victim of recklessness or peer pressure.
Furthermore, many of us who make the choice not to abstain do so with just as much care and consideration as those who choose to wait until marriage.
I do not believe that “right versus wrong” (in reference to premarital sex) is a universal constant, and I resent Myers’ implication that I am immoral simply because my morals differ from his.
What might be right for one person might not be right for someone else.
Katherine Forquer
English, Graduate