The Student Government Senate added Lend-A-Wing Pantry as an Executive Agency on Monday, Jan. 25. Funding for the pantry will now come out of the Executive Branch’s budget beginning Spring 2016.
“This is essential in order to cement them into our organization like Osprey Productions or Club Alliance,” said Senator Christopher Jordan, the bill’s sponsor.
The Lend-A-Wing Pantry, established in the spring of 2012, provides students-in-need with donated non-perishable goods at no expense to the students.
“This is a 16,000 member family. We don’t leave Ospreys behind,” Jordan said.
Hodges Stadium bidding confirmed
Senator Sami Mims spoke about repairing flooding damage that occurred in the weight and locker rooms of Hodges Stadium late last year. Gabrielle Liguori, a Junior soccer player, got 1300 students to sign a petition urging UNF President John Delaney to renovate the stadium at the November 24 Senate meeting .
“They’re going to clean out the stadium and reseal and re-caulk the whole thing,” Mims said. “It was creating a lot of health hazards to athletes and visitors as well.”
Mims said the process will take six to eight months.
SG Interpretation
Because of the upcoming election season, the Justice Department decided not to uphold Attorney General Dana Baker’s interpretation to allow candidates to campaign during Greek and club meetings.
The current Elections Policies and Procedures prohibits all campaigning in university buildings. Dana Baker interpreted that, because student learning does not take place at chapter and club meetings, candidates should be allowed to campaign in university buildings under these circumstances. This interpretation was in response to an inquiry from Senator Gustavo Ascanio.
The court agreed with her reasons for altering the policy, but wrote “that it would be inappropriate to change it at this time,” in their report.
Osprey Voice
The results of Student Government’s Osprey Voice survey are available online. In total, 374 students were interviewed. The survey dealt with a variety of topics ranging from smoking, student employment and Student Government awareness.
The Senate confirmed Warren Butler as Parliamentarian and Vaughn Sayers as Chairperson of the Government Oversight Committee. Both nominations succeeded without appraisal.
Matthew Dowdie and Michelle Feghali were approved for appointment as senators. They will be taking seats left vacant from Fall 2015, meaning their positions will not be up for re-election during the Senate elections to come later this spring.
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