100 to 150 JSO and UNFPD officers are still scanning the forests in groups of 10 searching for any signs of missing UNF student George Louissaint. Dive teams, K-9 units and ambulances are on standby in case the search teams come up with anything.
Spinnaker joined the search in the woods with JSO officers. One officer remarked about how much thicker the forest was than she thought it would be. Some officers even had trouble finding their way through the thorn and spider-infested forest.
“We are no closer today than we were the day he went missing and it’s kind of frustrating,” UNFPD Chief Mackesy said. “I’ve had many opportunities to meet with the family, it’s a very good family, they’re very distraught.”
When asked if he suspects foul play, Chief Mackesy said, “I’m taking everything into consideration right now.”
Louissaint’s closest friends and family watched on as police teams entered sections of wooded areas from the Flats apartments to the Fountains dorms and along Kernan Boulevard.
“They say he ran into the woods — that’s not my son. He could be walking around, my son does not walk a hundred feet,” said Louissaint Sr. “I’m here trying to get to the bottom of it, and I will not go until we find out whether he is alive or… you know, if it’s the worst then we’ll take it. Life has given, life has taken, by the one up there.”
Greg Louissaint, George’s older brother, was similarly concerned.
“George, if you’re out there, we miss you, come home. We’re looking for you and we really want you to come home,” he said.
Louissaint turns 21 Thursday. Officers are expected to continue the search throughout the day.
A massive grid search for UNF student George Louissaint is being conducted in the forested areas outside Hicks Hall.

According to UNF Police Chief Frank Mackesy, more than 50 officers started scanning the area at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning. Mackesy maintains there’s no reason to suspect foul play.
“George if you’re okay please let us know,” said George Louissaint, Sr., the father of the missing student. “We’ll help you.”
Louissaint was last seen in the early hours of Sunday morning at a party in the Flats apartments — more than 48 hours before the search began. Louissaint’s parents and friends have been searching the area and passing out missing person flyers for the past couple of days, hoping for his safe return.
While the police continue their search, the community has taken to Twitter to express concern and share information using #FindGeorge.
my heart gets heavy every time I think about it. Any information helps!! Please RT. #FindGeorge https://t.co/6PoV4zIZLf
— Vava (@Yvonaaa_) February 14, 2017
Trouble don’t last always. We’re still waiting on you, George. @unclejetson #FindGeorge ??
— bankroll? (@JustAmandaa__) February 14, 2017
Say my G we all worried about you. Just go home so all this anxiety can cease. @unclejetson #FindGeorge
— 108 ❄️ (@90sVibe) February 14, 2017
Anyone with information about Louissaint’s whereabouts is asked to contact UNFPD at (904) 620-2800 or JSO at (904) 630-0500.
Spinnaker is on the scene and will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.
Dwight Walton • Feb 14, 2017 at 6:29 pm
I don’t believe the account of the “friend” who was last known to be with the missing young man. Something is very fishy and it stinks to high heaven!!
Goofball • Feb 14, 2017 at 12:45 pm
“They say he ran into the woods — that’s not my son. He could be walking around, my son does not walk a hundred feet,” said Louissaint Sr. Is that quoted correctly? It does not make any sense at all.