Letter to the Editor: In response to hateful posters at UNF

Kenneth Laybourn

Friday walking from my class to the vending machine, I saw many posters hastily made and crudely thought out. They read, “Boycott all stores and restaurants on campus until the Nazi is gone.”

As a student of UNF, we have an obligation to see the truth in all things. I encourage all students to not get caught up in the whirlwind of emotion surrounding the situation regarding the former member of a white supremacist group and his accusers. We have a duty to remain un-biased until we know the whole truth of what is going on.

The whole truth has yet been reveled and many are being fueled by ignorant emotion. This is young man’s life and future we are affecting with our words and actions. Let us not pass judgment without knowing the objective whole truth and be ready to embrace forgiveness for actions committed in the past that no longer have authority in the present time. Let us work towards not embittering our hearts in order to freely accept peace on this campus and in the world.


Kenneth Laybourn


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