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Going Green: Up in smoke


NORML, standing for National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, is an organization with a plethora of nationwide chapters, as well as seven international chapters. Many are at college campuses; in the state of Florida, UF, FSU, UCF, and FAU have already housed the club and worked hard to keep it.

Each chapter strives to end and is morally against the marijuana prohibition that upsets millions of free-spirits with a love of the plant. Not to mention, most of them are disgusted by cigarettes, that remain legal, despite the unavoidable, scientifically proven fact that they swipe out a significant portion of our population each year. Marijuana has never been reported as the killer of anyone in terms of health, choices while under the influence yes, but not by anything in it that is harmful to one’s body.

N.O.R.M.L chapters are currently trying to implement change on medicinal marijuana laws. Current laws are working against these much needed changes which have hurt many cannabis supporters ranging from recreational, spiritual, and medicinal users as well as those who support it and do not even smoke. Cannabis can be used in many different ways including health products, food products, and medicines.
 NORML was adopted by UNF students on 4/20/2006. Current president of the club, Sarah Hammada, has held several meetings and in some cases, have ran out of seats for the overwhelming attendance.   At such gatherings, students discuss recent press releases or breaking news regarding current laws, organize camping trips, hold bake sales, and find ways to raise money and cannabis awareness.

“It is amazing how many people openly support such a controversial topic,” Hammada said.

The group is like any other outreach club, yet is monitored, as one would assume, a lot closer than the other standard college clubs. They are currently on suspension for lack of attendance at UNF club meetings and if a representative does not appear at tomorrow’s meeting, there is a good chance they will no longer be considered a club at UNF. Hammada has also scheduled the third meeting in a room on campus, in order for the school to take them seriously and remind critics that the group works hard for their cause, not smokes it in the comfort of an unwatched home.

No one is blind to the overwhelming majority of U.S. college students who favor and support the green herb for recreational use. We all know someone who smokes, adults who do. Everyone knows it. NORML of UNF is just trying to shout it.

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