Letter from the former editor: Director of Spinnaker retires

Darvin Nelson, Former Editor in Chief

A bitter-sweet atmosphere looms over Spinnaker Media office as our Director, Maureen Baker, or “Mo,” is retiring. For over five years, she has given top-tier advice and guided Spinnaker to a new phase of innovation and professionalism. 

“A true leader” are the words that come to mind when I think of Mo. She made sure we were buttoned-up for every occurrence and whipped our skills into shape. Mo taught us to create content with passion and intention, not to just toss up a random article, podcast, or video. A creative fire burns in the hearts of all Spinnaker employees because of her.

When I first joined Spinnaker as a quiet, diffident Osprey, Mo saw potential in me that I couldn’t yet. I will forever be grateful for her helping me realize what I could accomplish as a journalist. She acted not only as an advisor but a real friend.

Mo, it will be hard to imagine Spinnaker without your presence. We will miss you, and your glorious sense of humor.

Spinnaker works because of you.


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