Experience art through UNF’s gallery exhibitions and showcases this fall
September 23, 2021
It’s easy to peer through the windows of the UNF Gallery of Art and Lufrano Intercultural Gallery on campus without opening the doors. But the faculty, students, and local artists responsible for the exhibitions and showcases at both locations deserve more than a quick pass on the way to class.
The UNF Gallery of Art in Founders Hall has two exhibitions during the fall semester: Art, Art History, and Design Annual Faculty Exhibition and the La Fond Solo Exhibition.
The first exhibit displays faculty artwork from the Art, Art History, and Design Department in ceramics, painting, photography, printmaking, drawing, sculpture, and video.
The Art, Art History, and Design Annual Faculty Exhibition is at the UNF Gallery of Art from Aug. 26 – Oct. 1, so make sure to visit in its last moments available on campus.
The following spotlight at the UNF Gallery of Art will be the first solo exhibition for local sculptor La Fond (Diane Insetta). Those who visit from Oct. 7 – Nov. 12 can expect text installations, extensive sculpture work, and featuring video content from her dazzling career.
There are alternative opportunities to get involved with the UNF Gallery of Art on their website. Here visitors can find options for volunteer work, internships, donations, or submitting a program proposal for a new exhibition.
To stay informed, subscribe to the UNF Gallery of Art newsletter for monthly updates on exhibitions, events, community, and scholarship connections.
When the season changes and the holidays are in full swing, the Fall 2021 senior showcase begins Dec. 2 and is available for viewing until Jan. 28. The graduating seniors from the Art, Art History, and Design Department will display the work from their capstone projects and include various media. In addition, there are two locations available for viewing the seniors’ artistic visions: the UNF Gallery of Art and the Lufrano Intercultural Gallery.
The Lufrano Intercultural Gallery, located on the second floor of the student union, differentiates itself from the UNF Gallery of Art by educating visitors on environmental issues, awareness, and social justice.

The current exhibition held at the Lufrano, Yet We Are: Personal Narrative and Shared History, hosts numerous artists and a partnership with the 904WARD, an organization striving to establish a diverse and welcoming community in Jacksonville.

The artwork in the exhibition displays how to reflect minoritarian voices and narrative through an experimental and visual lens. Yet We Are: Personal Narrative and Shared History examine relationships involving identity-formation, resistance, cultural responsiveness, and community building.
Yet We Are features artists Sky Hopinka, Judith G. Levy, Agnes Lopez, Karmimadeebora McMillan, Jessica Villegas, and Jacksonville community organization 904WARD.
Kayla Oswald, a gallery assistant for the Lufrano Intercultural Gallery, encourages Ospreys to take full advantage of the educational resources provided by the 904WARD during the exhibition.
The group exhibition is available at the Lufrano Intercultural Gallery until Nov. 12.
The UNF Gallery of Art and Lufrano Intercultural Gallery is an integral component of campus life to discover cultural creativity. It’s a powerful platform for Ospreys to engage and boost attention towards the artwork of fellow students and faculty.
Next time, instead of gazing through the windows, step inside and embrace everything the locations have to offer Ospreys this semester.
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