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Inside the Huddle: Halloween Edition


Graphic by Caitlyn Broyles
Graphic by Caitlyn Broyles



Tiffany Salameh - Digital Editor
Tiffany Salameh – Digital Editor

The sports beat is getting spooky in this week’s Halloween edition of Inside the Huddle. Spinnaker Digital Editor Tiffany Salameh joined Spinnaker Sports in answering Halloween-themed sports questions. Reader beware, as we’ll cover gruesome injuries, undead disaster scenarios and questionable costume choices!

If you had to dress up as any athlete for Halloween, who would you be?

CA: He considers himself as “the most polarizing figure in sports entertainment.” He is a 12-time WWE Heavyweight Champion, and he’s also been featured in films like “The Marine” and “Trainwreck.” HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA. I would also have to have some sort of speaker to blast his theme music everywhere I go. Otherwise, you can’t see me.

JS: I would dress up as Serena Williams because she is one of the greatest tennis players in the world. It also helps that her style is pretty amazing as well, on and off the tennis court. Where could you go wrong?

AH: I’m actually going to be Tim Tebow for Halloween because his is the only Gator jersey I own, and I’m going to watch Florida/Georgia at my house instead of being social. Christmas is better than Halloween anyway. Come at me, Tim Burton fanboys.

TS: If I had to dress up as any athlete for Halloween, it would be Ronda Rousey because she’s badass and also because I’m a fan of homemade costumes. All you would need is sports bra, spandex, boxing gloves, and a mole and you would be all set.

What is the scariest sports injury you have ever seen or suffered?

CA: When former Louisville guard Kevin Ware broke his leg in the 2013 Elite Eight, it was terrifying. Thankfully he’s still playing college ball, now at Georgia State, but I can’t imagine that kind of injury doesn’t haunt him just a little bit every time he makes a jump on the court.

JS: Kevin Ware’s broken leg on national television is probably the scariest injury I have seen. It is bad enough to get hurt but to get an injury like that is a hard way to go out of a game.

AH: Marcus. Lattimore.

TS: I know Heely-ing may not technically be a sport but I popped my knee cap out of my skin when I was younger Heely-ing around my neighborhood. I was going pretty fast and the wheel on my right shoe hit a pretty big rock so I was launched into the air and stuck the landing with my right knee. All I remember was looking down at my legs and seeing this white disc sticking out of my skin.

In the event of a sudden zombie apocalypse, it’s just you and three pro athletes left to save the planet. Which three sports stars would you want to have your back during the outbreak?

CA: LeBron James because he’s a freak athlete, Dwayne Johnson because he always seems to be saving people under destructive circumstances and Ronda Rousey because her power level is over 9,000.

JS: Stephen Curry, Serena Williams and Maya Moore would have to be on my team during an outbreak. This triple-threat is all you need to save the world.

AH: JJ Watt to smash things, Luis Suarez because he’ll just bite the zombies right back and Usain Bolt as live bait. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. He’s the fastest runner in the world. Avengers assemble!

TS: I would draft UFC heavyweight champion Fabricio Werdum, Usain Bolt and New England Patriots offensive lineman Nate Solder to have my back during the outbreak. Fabricio Werdum could fight anything off, Usain Bolt could run all of the errands, and not only is Nate Solder is 6 feet 8 inches and 325 pounds, but he also has a degree in biology and would have knowledge on how pathogens work to potentially help save the world.

Do you have a gross injury story? Or perhaps you’ve got an awesome athlete costume idea. If so, share your thoughts and/or photos with us on Twitter or Instagram @SpinnakerSports.

For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact [email protected]

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