UNF may no longer be known as the University of No Football.
“Everyone wants a football team, why can’t we be that?” said Lily Odom, one of the founders of UNF Women’s Club Flag Football.
Odom and Sydney Epstein, another founder, said they started the club because they felt a push for an all-women’s team from their intramural flag football teammates. Epstein said she played flag football throughout high school and always hoped she could be a part of a team just for women.
“I love [flag football],” said Epstein. “I wished we could have a girls league.”
Odom said making this wish come true was all about commitment.
“Having girls that are able to commit just shows our dedication and love for what we do,” said Odom.
One of Odom and Epstein’s teammates, Trinity Castillo, said she wanted to get involved in a sport.
“I like being active,” Castillo said. “I always wanted to play football, so when I heard there was a women’s team, I was like ‘ok, cool,’ so it’s nice to play with fellow women.”

The club plans to participate in a few tournaments, including a college state championship. While she acknowledges the challenges of a new club, Epstein still believes the team will do well at tournaments.
Additionally, the women’s team plans to play UCF and UF, but a game schedule has not yet been released. Epstein encourages UNF students to attend games and support the team.
“We’ve got some pretty good opponents,” Epstein said. “So I think we should get some people [at the games] and make it a home game.”
As for joining the team, the club held its first tryouts last week and a second one on Wednesday. No information has been posted about an additional way to join the club.
Students with questions about Women’s Club Flag Football can message the club on Instagram.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.