Fifty-seven on-campus bicycle thefts have been reported to the University of North Florida Police Department over the past three years, according to university police.
Most bicycles are stolen from student housing areas during the early morning and late evening hours, according to UNF Police Chief Frank Mackesy.
Preventing bicycles from being stolen starts with properly securing your bicycle, according to Mackesy. Students can secure their bicycles to a bike rack by wrapping a bike lock around the bicycle’s body and the rack, ensuring that the bike lock threads through the wheels.
Chief Mackesy recommends students secure their bicycles with a high-quality bike lock. Well-equipped bike thieves can bypass cheap bike locks even when the bicycle is properly secured, according to Mackesy.
“The person that’s looking to steal something wants to get in and get out as quickly as possible,” Mackesy said. “You just want to make it as hard on them as possible.”
Students can use the UPD Property Manager to register bicycles and other personal property with UPD. Mackesy advises students to provide the property manager with their bicycle’s serial number and model number, along with a photo and description of the bicycle. This information will assist UPD in recovering any stolen property.
Dial 904-620-2800 to report suspicious activity to UPD.
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