Dear Editor,
When people feel the need to complain about Parking Services, they should delve deep and recall the beginning of each fall semester. There is a reprieve for each new semester when the parking staff does not ticket students. Cars park in the street and block traffic. They park in the grass and destroy our campus. Chaos reigns, and Parking Services receives numerous complaints.
Yet Parking Services deals with violent, abusive behavior from students on a daily basis, including the daily person saying four letter words while receiving or paying his or her citations.
Remember, if this job were not done, your life would be more difficult on campus. Because of it, people are better able to park with the permit they pay for – be it Designated, Housing, Premium, or Lots 14, 18 or 53.
As far as safety is concerned, I feel safer here on campus than I do on my street in Riverside. Anyone feeling threatened on campus is able to contact UPD for assistance.
I ride the shuttle to class, and I have not witnessed any negative behavior from any bus drivers. And I have never been left while walking toward the bus.
Melissa Perry
Sophomore, History Major