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Barnes addresses students; 11 compete for Mr. and Ms. UNF

Student Body President John Barnes gave the State of the Student Body Address Feb. 9 in the Robinson Theatre. Vice President Mike Saathoff introduced Barnes saying, “my friend, my brother like no other – John Barnes.”

In his speech, Barnes outlined the goals of the 2008-2009 school year and suggested the direction in which Student Government will be heading during the upcoming semester.

Besides pointing out the extended library hours, selection of a new athletic director and gaining 12 new retailers that accept the Osprey1card, Barnes emphasized the importance of dedicating part of the campus to graduate students.

In May 2009, the Student Union will include a Graduate Student Lounge designed exclusively for their needs.

Financial spending is equally important for the future of UNF, Barnes said.

“Every dollar that you pay must be maximized,” he said. “This is your campus.”

The State of the Student Body Address was  followed by the Mr. and Ms. UNF pageant.

Eleven contestants competed over the title of Mr. and Ms. UNF in front of more than 600 students and faculty in the audience.

Performances varied from singing, dancing, drama and instrument-playing.

After a set of performances that allowed the audience to get to know the contestants, a panel of three judges finally made the decision.

Shayna Lacy, who represented Residence Life, and Tony Miles from Sigma Alpha Epsilon won the title of Mr. and Ms. UNF.

E-mail Andrea Farah at

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