As UNF’s Fall 2012 semester began Monday, students encountered several changes implemented on campus during the summer session.
The university opened its new Osprey Cafe and altered the Osprey Connector shuttle routes.
Despite expecting a few thousand students to visit the Osprey Cafe each day, Director of Operations for Chartwells Korey Konopasek said he is not worried about the facility’s ability to accommodate students.
Zachary Miller, a UNF mathematics freshman, said the Osprey Cafe has held up well, so far.
“It was a little busy during the lunch hour, but other than that, it has been fine,” Miller said.
However, the new shuttle routes have caused problems for some students.
The shuttles stopping at Lot 18 now drop students off at the engineering building, instead of at the Thomas G. Carpenter Library.
Martin McRae, a UNF accounting junior, said he was unaware of the changes to the bus route, which caused him to be late to class.
Aaron Anderson, a UNF English junior, said he experienced the same problem.
“I got on the bus at Lot 18, expecting to go to the library, but was surprised when it took me to the engineering building, instead,” Anderson said.
Parking also proved to be an issue for some students.
McRae said he waited 20 minutes to find a spot in Lot 18, and that he was lucky to find a spot that quickly.
“Bad is an understatement to describe the parking situation,” McRae said.