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Join the Conversation: #iamunf

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve noticed the way you read Spinnaker online has changed dramatically.  What was once a place for old stories from the print Spinnaker you were used to grabbing on your way to class, is now an innovative daily news site, presenting you with all things UNF news on a interactive multimedia platform.The changes have been rolling out since the summer when Spinnaker editors Pat Moore, Joe Basco, and Jason Kellum redesigned the website from the inside out.  The new look isn’t just a visual upgrade, but includes ways for you to become part of the conversation.Now you can comment on stories just by logging in with your Facebook account.

And our top news stories aren’t just what we here at the Spinnaker think are important, but instead are the stories that you, our readers, are clicking on.

The next big change is the introduction of #iamunf.

Right on our home page there is now a stream of all the latest tweets from any user featuring #iamunf. These are your words. This is part of your osprey experience, unfiltered.  You can write your own 140-character front page news and see it published immediately.

Let us know what you see happening around campus. #iamunf can be your way to give us a tip on something you want to see covered, or simply a way to vent about the abysmal parking situation.

Hear about something you think we should be covering in a bigger story? #iamunf

Taking a break from studying to watch Hunny Boo Boo in the TV lounge in the SU? #iamunf

Laughing hysterically from watching Ted at Osprey Production’s movie night? #iamunf

Use it with everything and anything.

Join the conversation.

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