Results from a poll conducted by UNF students reveal a 50 percent to 40 percent lead for incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson over Connie Mack IV.
Dr. Michael Binder, UNF assistant professor of political science and public administration, said the results came from the same poll that indicated a 5 percent lead for President Barack Obama.
He said they didn’t want the presidential race to overshadow the other results.
Binder said the approximately 180 UNF students in the Public Opinion Research Laboratory spent 36 hours conducting the poll.
The poll’s results show popularity among blacks as a key factor in Nelson’s lead, just as it was with Obama. According to the poll, likely black voters in Florida prefer Nelson 83 percent to 8 percent.
Binder said senatorial races are not as susceptible to constant swings in poll results, due to a lack of exposure. He said this race has been much more consistent than the presidential race, due to the lack of name recognition for Mack.
The UNF poll asked other questions related to this year’s ballot.
According to the poll’s results, at least 75 percent of likely voters all favor Propositions 2, 9 and 11.
The poll also indicates a 46 percent job-approval rating for Gov. Rick Scott.
Matthew Corrigan, chair of UNF’s Political Science and Public Administration Department, could not be reached for comment.
Email Gordon Rhyne at reporter7@unfspinnaker.com.