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Cyclist hit on UNF crosswalk

The cyclist is loaded into an ambulance to be taken to Shands Trauma Center. Photo by Connor Spielmaker
The cyclist is loaded into an ambulance to be taken to Shands Trauma Center. Photo by Connor Spielmaker
The cyclist is loaded into an ambulance to be taken to Shands Trauma Center.
Photo by Connor Spielmaker

On Feb. 12 the weather was mild, with passing clouds and visibility clear for 10 miles. That was when a cyclist was hit on the crosswalk in front of Garage 44.

The car was driving north out of the garage when a cycler rode out into the crosswalk. According to the driver and a witness, the cyclist did not dismount or slow down before crossing.

UPD found the student and his bicycle lying in the grassy area near the collision. Photo by Connor Spielmaker
UPD found the student and his bicycle lying in the grassy area near the collision.
Photo by Connor Spielmaker

The driver took action by breaking but hit the back of the bicycle, throwing the rider out of his seat.

UPD deputy chief Mark Richardson said he believes UNF crosswalks are effectively marked, but there are always those who don’t pay attention to them.

“Here, it appears the student [on the bicycle] was at fault, but the case is still being investigated,” Richardson said.



The person struck was taken to Shands Trauma Center. As of Feb. 19, there is no information for the cyclist on Shands’ records, meaning the patient was discharged at least three days ago.

Email Lydia Moneir at

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