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Inside the Huddle: April 17

By dj orson (Own work) [GFDL (http-// or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http-//], via Wikimedia Commons
Travis Gibson
Sports Editor
Carl Rosen
Sports Copy Editor
Josh Brannock
Staff Reporter
Christian Ayers
Staff Reporter

1. Another PGA major championship was won by a golfer using a belly putter. Should they be outlawed?

Travis Gibson: It is a little fishy, but I don’t think there is enough evidence to say long-putters provide a competitive advantage. If anything, a long-putter provides a boost in confidence to a struggling putter in a game where even the smallest boost can make a huge difference.

Carl Rosen: This takes me back to when the PGA banned the hockey-putter after Happy Gilmore took down the field and Shooter McGavin for the title. Of course, after seeing Gilmore’s success, everyone rushed to their nearest sporting goods store and hopped on the hockey putt train, creating a new wave of excellent putters. This new belly putter takes me right back to the days of old, and I foresee a similar outcome.

Josh Brannock: If you can’t keep your shoulders aligned then don’t play. They should be docked two-strokes. Adam Scott is better than me, but at least I putt without training wheels.

Christian Ayers: Judging by the PGA’s reputation and Tiger’s complete disdain for the method, it probably will be outlawed. Anchoring your putter isn’t really cheating, but I suppose if you can get off with a two-stroke penalty for a bad ball drop, the PGA must know what they’re doing, unless it’s really a group of 14-year-olds running the show.


Is there any substance to Mark Cuban’s assertion that Brittney Griner could play in the NBA?

Travis Gibson: Brittney Griner would be as successful of an NBA player as Britney Spears would be as a family counselor. I’m so sick of Cuban and his publicity ploys. Go back to designing software and leave the sports to us, nerd.

Carl Rosen: No. It sounds like Mark has been hitting the pro-feminist literature a little hard these days. Let’s be honest, you can’t take the Cubes seriously. I’d be one happy camper if I never heard another Mark Cuban quote.

Josh Brannock: Anybody can play in the NBA. Doesn’t mean they’ll be good, though. Griner is the same size as a power forward, but has less athleticism than Yao Ming.

Christian Ayers: No, Cuban is not only great at making money, he is even better at prying people’s eyes open to his opinions. This is just a publicity stunt. There’s no way any female player could compete for a spot on any NBA roster, unless it’s for the Bobcats.


What are your thoughts on Mike Rice, former Rutgers head coach, coaching a girls AAU team full of 12-year-olds?

Travis Gibson: How could this ever turn out well? The only reason I imagine Rice would take such a position is so he can refine his insults and pegging skills in hopes of making a triumphant return to the college ranks. He will get plenty of practice with a bunch of young girl players. Started from the bottom…still there.

Carl Rosen: Those girls are going to grow up to be either tough as nails, or are going to undergo serious psychological therapy for a majority of their lives. I’d love to sit in on a practice, though. I’d be there with a box of popcorn in one hand, and a Coke in the other. It would be just like going to see the latest 3-D comedy at the movie theaters.

Josh Brannock: Wait, that wasn’t another SNL skit? Well, at least he has someone crazier than him there — the parents.

Christian Ayers: Whoever gave him this job is a genius. What better way to relish in the blunders of a sociopath, than to make him coach 12-year-olds? On a serious note, Rice was a menace, but he had to get a job somewhere, and he can’t really call his new team “fairies.”

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