After many years in the comics and several appearances on the silver screen, Marvel’s famous “Merc with the mouth” gets his own game.
Deadpool starts out with Deadpool realizing that game developer High Moon studios has agreed to make his game, and has given him a script. Throughout the course of the game Deadpool argues against, and even changes things in the script — usually because they “don’t have enough explosions.” This may be why there is no real plot to the story. The story’s main antagonist is the villain Sinister, but the plot never once divulges why he’s the antagonist, or why Deadpool is fighting him in the first place.
The character of Deadpool is equivalent to a 13-year old boy off his ADHD medication. He is scatterbrained and constantly breaking the fourth wall by speaking directly to the player. He does this so frequently that other Marvel characters believe him to be insane, since he claims the world is only a comic book.
Gameplay in Deadpool is quite fun and fast paced. Deadpool utilizes his trusty dual swords to slice enemies to bits and his pistols to take down long distance targets. The game’s style is similar to the Devil May Cry in that you rack up more combos by continuously performing various attacks on enemies to accumulate points in order to buy new weapons and moves.
While the standard fighting wave after wave of opponents is a blast, the rest of the game doesn’t have much to offer. There are a few turret sections that are unsatisfying and redundant. The boss battles are interchangeable, because each requires the same strategy of shooting the big damage sponge, until they drop dead. There are one or two sections with a couple of puzzles, but they’re incredibly easy.
As fun as Deadpool can be, it’s hard to look past some of its more glaring issues like the graphics, which look rushed. The game is also unforgivably short, clocking in at no more than five hours of gameplay with a total of four different environments — one of which being a sewer, as if we didn’t have enough sewer levels in games already.
Deadpool has the potential to be both fun and interesting, however, despite the funny script and great portrayal of Deadpool by voice actor Nolan North, Deadpool is fairly average. It’s a game with a big bag of ideas, but a confusing mess of a story, similar to Deadpool’s mind.
2.5 out 5 stars