Theft – March 26 (Thomas G. Carpenter Library)
A student reported her wallet was swiped when she left it on top of her purse and stepped away to make copies.
According to UNFPD, an unidentified suspect took the wallet and fled in an unknown direction.
UNFPD advised the victim to contact the appropriate agencies to replace her ID.
Criminal Mischief – March 29 (Lot 11)
A student alerted UNFPD that his car tire was intentionally slashed while on campus.
The victim was going to the Apple Store in the Town Center when he noticed a shake in one of his tires, according to the UNFPD report.The victim found his right rear tire was flat after he got to the Town Center.
The victim took his car to a tire repair shop, where an employee told him the tire was cut on purpose.
The responding officer gathered that the victim and a friend had an argument the prior evening before parking his car. However, the victim said that there was no indication the disagreement had been so serious as to call for retribution.
The victim’s car was parked in the Cove parking lot close to the bridge that connects the Cove and Landings, and the victim does not remember seeing anyone suspicious.

Road Rage – March 29 (Alumni Drive)
Two students reported they were threatened with a baseball bat over an argument about driving.
According to the UNFPD report, the two were headed to the Fountains in their car. As they turned from UNF Drive onto Alumni Drive, the students got behind the possible suspect, who was driving Ford Expedition. It was blue.
The students stated that Blue was driving very slow, so they changed lanes to pass him. They were about to pass him when Blue switched lanes and cut them off.
The student driver told UNFPD he then yelled at Blue and flipped him off.
Both drivers came to a stop at the intersection and kept arguing about each other’s driving.
Blue got out of his vehicle and said, “We can settle this right here and now.”
Blue repotedly reached into his car and brandished a black aluminum baseball bat with yellow writing. After standing next to his car for about 20 seconds, the possible suspect returned to his vehicle and left.
As Blue made his turn onto Kernan, one of the students was able to take a picture of the vehicle. Based on the picture, the officer believes the tag on display was KEZ 9791. It is unknown what state the tags are from, but is definitely not a Florida license plate.
The officer advised both students on the dangers of tempers and driving.
Due to lack of further information, the case will remain an information report.
Email Alex Wilson at reporter15@unfspinnaker.com