The Department of Chemistry at UNF was awarded the Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions. The award provides a grant for $18,500 which will be used for three guest lecture days on chemical science and support for two undergraduate student summer research fellowships.

Photo courtesy UNF website
Commonly, institutions that receive this award host Nobel laureates for the lecture series said UNF Associate Vice President for Research & Dean of the Graduate School John Kantner, Ph.D. He added that the grant helps undergraduates hone research skills, which can lead to exciting career opportunities.

Photo courtesy UNF website
UNF is the first Florida school to be honored with the Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions. Every year, only five undergraduate institutions receive this award.
Two undergraduate students will receive a stipend of at least $4,500 for their summer research, compared to the $1,800 stipend through the UNF Student Summer Fellowship Award. UNF chemistry professor Kenneth Laali, Ph.D. said that they want the best students with research experience to receive this grant.
While all plans are tentative, Dr. Laali said they hope to decide on details regarding the guest speaker and chosen students over the next semester.
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