Photo by Cody Quattlebaum
Today, students noticed a large sheet banner hanging from Building 3 that said in bold red letters, “Pay attention, slow down, get off your phone, you are not that important.” It was signed in blue by “Students Gov.”
Student Government (SG) was not responsible for that sign.
There were also flyers around campus that offered students a “free tall coffee on us.” The flyers had the SG logo on them.
SG was not responsible for these flyers either.
According to Gracie Lopresti, SG director of communications and marketing, there were about six flyers that were mostly in the cafe. In fine print on the bottom, it mentioned that the ‘offer’ would not be available until 2050.
SG posted a photo to their Facebook page, informing students that if they see a fake flyer, they can bring it to SG and receive a free T-shirt.
Lopresti said one person had claimed a T-shirt.
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