UPDATE – 11/12/15 at 3:38 p.m.
Chief Frank Mackesy provides information on how UNFPD will proceed with their investigation of the incident involving Sigma Beta Rho fraternity.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yac7ZDehJNE]
Photo by Francheska Russo
The jacket of a Sigma Beta Rho multicultural fraternity member was found this morning torn up and hanging from a tree near the green, with a plush animal stuffed inside.Police chief of UNFPD Frank Mackesy says the situation may be an upset fraternity member who hung the jacket out of protest to how he was treated in a chapter meeting earlier in the week.
“Right now we do not have any indication that it’s anything other than that, but we are investigating it right now as a hate crime, hoping to eliminate that from the process along the way,” Mackesy said. “But we’re gonna let the facts lead us to where they lead us.”
Chief Mackesy says the only evidence UPD has so far is the torn jacket hanging from the limb. Campus police are interviewing an individual already who may or may not have hung the destroyed jacket.
As far as being identified as a hate crime, Mackesy says UNFPD is treating the incident as such until more evidence surfaces.
“Hopefully we will find out this was just somebody who acted out in anger, but we’re gonna investigate it as a hate crime,” Mackesy said. “If it is we’ll treat it that way and if it’s not we’ll treat it in a manner it needs to be treated in as far as conduct through the fraternity system and the student conduct system.”
President of the UNF Interfraternity Council Connor Spielmaker says the council trusts UNFPD to make truth of the situation.
“The Interfraternity Council stands along our brothers in the Sigma Beta Rho fraternity chapter on campus, and we would like to reiterate our stance on inclusion and diversity within our Greek community,” Spielmaker said. “As always we place our trust in the University Police Department and the administration in getting to the bottom of this quickly.”
Spinnaker will update the situation when more information becomes available.
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