Homecoming’s half-way point was marked by Lip Sync, one of UNF’s favorite traditions, and this year’s theme was legends.
As long as it connected back to the central theme, teams could draw inspiration from legends in music, movies, art, sports, history, and so on.
The Lazzara filled up fast with students, alumni, and six teams of performers ready to take the stage. First up was Alpha Chi Omega and Kappa Sigma, who dance battled through the decades as none other than our UNF Ospreys against our biggest rivals – JU and FGCU.

Next up was Alpha Phi and and Kappa Alpha Order. They also chose a music inspired theme, beginning with country jams and working through the genres, all the way to classic Bieber hits. A major crowd pleaser was the group’s rendition of Sia’s “Chandelier.”
Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Delta conquered campfire-legends, drawing inspiration for their group dance from superstitions and tall tales like Bigfoot and Bloody Mary.
The Legend of Barnum and Bailey took the stage next, performed by “The Carnies,” a group comprised of members of Kappa Alpha Theta, Delta Gamma, Delta Upsilon, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. They brought a full circus to the stage complete with animals, clowns, mimes and a dance solo from the ring master that had competing teams chanting.

“Zigma Phi,” a group with members of Zeta Tau Alpha, Sigma Chi, and Chi Phi, were up next. They began their performance with a reference to Tron, and blacked-out stage where all the audience could see was lights moving in sync in a way that mimicked the game. The team came out decked in neon 80’s garb and dance battled to songs from the decade.
The final competitors were the UNF Elite Dance Team, who chose Queen as their legend of choice. Their routine began with “Somebody to Love” and moved through “Another One Bites the Dust” and everyone’s favorite, “Bohemian Rhapsody.”
While the judges calculated the score, Coach Driscoll, Ozzie, and the emcees decided to have a little fun by bringing students up from the crowd to compete for homecoming swag. They dance-battled their hearts out, and crushed what may have been the campus’ largest air guitar competition to-date, all in the name of good fun and free t-shirts.
When the results came in, Kappa Alpha Order and Alpha Phi took third. Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Delta took second, and first place went to The Carnies.
Mireille Smeen, a senior graphic design major, said her team went all out for the fourth year in a row to finally arrive at victory.
“[We spent] hours practicing pretty much every single night for the last week and a half, and the feeling of winning, I’ve been doing this for four years, and finally, the feeling of winning is just the greatest feeling,” Smeen said.
Nikki Confiado, a junior majoring in criminal justice, said the team’s secret to success was the diversity of their group.
“What basically inspired us was the act of combining four organizations into one,” Confiado said. “We called it Organized Chaos and felt there was no better way to represent that than a circus. It was a lot of work and it was definitely frustrating at times, but it paid off.”
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