With an almost 100 percent post-graduate job placement rate, UNF’s School of Computing ranks second in the state for best return on investment (ROI).
The school landed in the nation’s top 50, with a 12.2 percent ROI. The survey was collected from graduates at 962 different schools and based its results on cost of tuition in comparison to salaries earned upon graduation, said the School of Computing Director Sherif Elfayoumy.
He attributed this success to the fact that UNF is a major university, in a big city with lots of businesses.
“I think we have done a good job here at the school of computing, integrating with the IT industry within the city of Jacksonville,” Elfayoumy said. “That creates internship opportunities for our students while they’re attending school here.”
The computing school, which currently has 650 undergraduate students, offers internships and practicums with Jacksonville businesses and companies like the Jacksonville Business Journal and Regency Center, where students are able get hands on learning opportunities.
Elfayoumy said he works closely with an advisory board comprised of local IT executives to craft curriculum and internships designed to produce students equipped to meet the current needs of the IT industry.
These internships are not mandatory, but students who participate them are well-salaried, often earning between $15 and $25 an hour, in addition to receiving course credit.
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