UNF’s Department of Health Promotions partnered with One Blood to bring The Big Red Bus to campus.
In light of the Orlando shooting at Pulse nightclub this weekend, when a gunman claimed the lives of 49 people, the community is asking those that can to help by donating blood.
The One Blood donation bus will be on campus Thursday from noon to 5 p.m. in the Student Union Plaza.
“Blood donations are needed every day and we encourage people to continue to visit our donor centers and Big Red Bus blood drives in the coming days,” One Blood said in a recent press release. “Due to the amazing response there may be a wait at some of our locations, so please be patient.”
An alert for the urgent need for O Negative, O Positive and AB Plasma blood donors was sent out on June 12 by One Blood. All those with the listed blood types who are eligible are urged to donate.
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